• 260-210-0310
  • jasonarp@jasonarp.com
  • Fort Wayne

Last-minute contributions show new law’s wisdom

Wednesday afternoon, the 2017 campaign finance filings were made public for all elected officials and candidates in Indiana. This is the first such filing since passage of the “pay-to-play” ordinance that Councilman John Crawford and I collaborated on last year. The impetus of the ordinance was the accumulation of roughly $1 million of campaign contributions from vendors and contractors to […]

City must not tolerate Chicago-style financing

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is receiving a lot attention after an investigation by the Chicago Tribune found that more than 60percent of the millions raised for his re-election bid come from vendors to the city. While it may not be shocking news to the people of Fort Wayne that there are foul winds blowing from the Chicago city hall, it […]